Which speakers do the hologram thing?

Some reviewers talk about how speakers can produce a 3-D image so convincing that it seems one can "walk amongst the performers" or "sense the air between performers," or they may say how "each musician appears to occupy a solid space," etc. I'm not certain I have heard this. In your experience which spekers have this ability?
Point taken, Sean....I've heard the tannoy churchills disappear, which, considering their bulk, is impressive. Also heard the original snell J's running on the SF control amp with a little rotel 855cd....the rear basement wall just disappeared and music had depth out to the sidewalk and back.....it was scary....also heard my newforms with Single ended triode preamp[remember the N.E.W.?] and a group of us who were listening alll thought it was a religious experience. It was all music, the speakers simply were not there....it is more than just the speakers from what I've heard....But I've also heard little nears, the 10's disappear....in fact, my niece bought mine.....
The first time I heard the 3-D thing was during a demo at a highend stereo place. Speakers were Martin Logan Aerius`s with Golden Tube electronics. I can`t remember what the cd player was. I could walk amongst the performers. kinda freaky. Total cost was about $4000. Dan R
No one here mentions the Spica Angelus or TC-50? These are an inexpensive way to get some good imaging (only if electronics are good).
I would concentrate on speaker placement and room accoustics more than the brand of speaker.
And I agree the electronics matter also. (What happened to the edit function Agon??)