Which speakers for top notch system

What do I partner the following system with. Meridian 588 CD; SME10, IV, Helikon SL; Lamm L2 pre amp, Lamm M2.1 power amps; Lamm LP2 phono stage,. I listen to Classical, rock and Jazz. I was thinking along the following lines; Kharma Ceramique ref 3.2, Watt Puppy 7, Avalon Eidolon. Any suggestions or other recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
i wouldn't call any of the revel speakers "lifeless". i would have to agre with Wvick that what matters most is how the owner likes them (personal preference). The best thing to do is see if you can bring a pair of each speaker home and audition them in your room and using your electronics to see which one you prefer.
With your amps I would go with Kharma in small to medium rooms and Wilson in medium to large rooms. The Avalons need power and the more the better. You don't have to use it (cranked) they just need it. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.