Which speakers for top notch system

What do I partner the following system with. Meridian 588 CD; SME10, IV, Helikon SL; Lamm L2 pre amp, Lamm M2.1 power amps; Lamm LP2 phono stage,. I listen to Classical, rock and Jazz. I was thinking along the following lines; Kharma Ceramique ref 3.2, Watt Puppy 7, Avalon Eidolon. Any suggestions or other recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
I see you are getting lots of advice, much of it contradictory though, so here is a practical suggestion:

You should tell us where you live (approximately).
Then ask for any Audiogoners (Is that a word?) who would not mind letting you listen to there systems, which have the speakers you are interested in, and who happen to live within a couple of driving hours of your residence.
I know most Audiogoners (there is that word again!) usually don't mind showing off their systems. (Especially if the guest brings along a nice bottle of wine, or a nice 6 pack of beer, import or microbrews only. No Bud or Coors thank you very much!) You could even bring along your cd player to hook up to see what you think, as that is a easy hook up.

Just a thought! Good Luck in your search!
Pootie, I do own a pair of WP 7's but before I purchased them, I auditioned several speakers to include Revel Salons and Studio's. First of all let me say that all of the above mentioned speakers are among the best available anywhere and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. I listened to the Revel's with the best that Levinson has to offer and again with Musical Fidelity. They sounded great but they were not for me. I listened to B&W N800's on the same Levinson system in the same room and really liked them. I almost went with those but I had recenlty sold a pair of N802's and I wanted to move away from B&W. Also, the N800's are rather large and I am tired of behemoth speakers. I had also been listening to WP 6's and Sophia's. And although I loved the quickness, speed and bottom end of the 6's, I was never really satisfied with the top end (a little to hot for me). The Sophia's sound great but do not have the WP bottom end. Then came the 7's with all the WP 6 bottom end and a tamer top end. I love the sound and as a bonus, the WP's offer a package that few high end speakers can. (1) exceptional build quality and finish, (2) small foot print/big sound, (3) perform exceptionally well with top notch tube or SS gear, (4) elegant and beautiful to look at, (5) not a major pain in the ass to move if needed (6) excellent resale value. To sum it up, for me and my lifestyle, my ears and eyes, the WP 7's are the best that I have encountered. In the end, it all boils down to personal preference (and cash). Regards
i wouldn't call any of the revel speakers "lifeless". i would have to agre with Wvick that what matters most is how the owner likes them (personal preference). The best thing to do is see if you can bring a pair of each speaker home and audition them in your room and using your electronics to see which one you prefer.
With your amps I would go with Kharma in small to medium rooms and Wilson in medium to large rooms. The Avalons need power and the more the better. You don't have to use it (cranked) they just need it. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.