Which sub to buy: JL Audio f113 or Velodyne DD18+?

I've narrowed down my search for my next sub to either the JL Audio Fathom f113 or the Velodyne DD18+. Which one would you recommend, and why? I would really like to hear from people who have listened to both subs.

Factors to consider:
- Mains are currently Legacy Audio Signature IIIs (rated to 20 Hz);
- My next speakers will be Legacy Audio Focus SEs (rated to 18 Hz);
- Room size is 13'x20'x9';
- Listen to 60% music & 40% movies; and
- No set budget.

Thanks in advance.
Pretty much agree with Bryon, but I'll state it a bit differently:

If you go with the JL (a great product!) or other non/minimally -EQ'd subwoofer, I'd strongly suggest that you functionally add digital EQ/crossover to your system. Either look at the Velodyne SMS-1 (essentially the x-over/EQ from the DD series subs pulled out and sold separately) or find an integrated amp (HK-990) or pre-pro (anything with Audyssey, ARC, or equivalent) to provide the functionality.

IME, the odds of optimally integrating a subwoofer improve exponentially when you go this route.

Good Luck,

If you're planning to roll in the sub without a crossover, consider that the Vel doesn't offer a corner point below 40hz. This may produce excess overlap with main speakers that go as deep as Legacy.
Go with Velodyne, they have decades of experience and their room-correction software is very good. The DD-18+ is a terrific subwoofer...

Thanks for the great responses!

I failed to mention in my opening post that my pre/pro is an Integra DHC-40.2 which has the Audyssey MultEQ®.

Based on your feedback, I'm leaning towards the f113 - no point in paying extra for another eq, since I already have one.

Thanks again!