which subwoofer?

I am looking for a musical sub for a small room(11.5x15x8), my speakers are Meadowlark kestral 2's, a Birdland odeon lite dac and a Cayin ta-3o integrated tube amp. For the price of all of it used, this system is incredibly musical and rich in the high's and mids...but lacks that bit of deep punch I like. Is there a sub made that will integrate with my existing equipment without losing anything. I would like to keep the price under a 1000$ used, thanks in advance!
I would like to use the meadowlark sub, but it's over two thousand,if I could find one used maybe? I'll have to look at the amp and see about the tape loop or preout. Thanks for the input!
Rel Strata III is a great sub and really works well with any speakers you connect it to. I have it in my system and keep switching between two pairs of speakers, Paradigm Refrence Studio 40 and Chartwell Ls3/5a's. Works with both and sounds wonderful.