Which Tube integrated for Virgo?

I want to try tube amps on my Virgos, I prefer integrated for simplicity, but are they not as good as seperates in general? Any sugestions are really appreciated.
To my ears, the Jadis integrated amplifiers(Orchestra, Orchestra Reference, DA-30, and DA-60) are the finest tube integrated amplifiers available(exotics excepted). Superior to Audio Research, Cary, Conrad Johnson, Jolida, Kora, Manley, Rogue, VAC, and VTL in terms of parts/build quality and sonics. My intention was to not buy a integrated, but a power amp, I was impressed enough by the Jadis integrateds to buy one. Yes, they are that good.
Have auditioned the Virgos with a short-list consisting of KR, Jadis (Reference -- see Trelja), and Pathos (the twin towers or something like that). The results were very good. IMHO, the KR came first, Jadis ref 2nd, Pathos a close 3rd. I auditioned with classical, sources being a Clearaudio ref TT / Discovery for LP and a Symphonic Line CDP for digital.

You could add these to the suggestions above.
Good luck!