If your coming over to England, then there are a number of good choices. I have just changed my LP12 for an Origin Live Resolution, beyond your budget , but maybe not 2nd hand. I found mine with a legendary Illustrious tonearm fitted for about $2800. I have'nt stopped listening to vinyl since, detailed, musical, with great stage depth, it seems particularly good with classical. The Avid range have a great reputation here, beautifully engineered, but not cheap. Likewise the Nottingham analogue spacedeck and Michell gyrodeck are fine designs.
The problem for you colonial cousins over the pond, is the Dollar of course, at 2 to the pound, it makes buying UK or European kit prohibitive for you. For me of course it's the opposite. I bought a CJ Premier 17 for $2700 this year, it would have cost $8550 here!. Likewise I received a beautiful almost unused Koetsu Rosewood Signature yesterday for $1500, a new one here is $4300. Both of course bought from the Audiogon site.