Which USB reclocker is as good as the Innuos Phoenix USB?

I read a lot about the Innuos Phoenix USB and everyone sings its praises even owners of expensive gear. The problem is that it is expensive.

There are other reclockers like iPurifier3, the Ideon Audio USB Re-clocker 3R, or the SOtM tX-USBultra USB Audio Reclocker. In forums the feedback is that the Phoenix beats a lot of the reclockers.

Does anyone have experience with a USB reclocker that does as good job as the Phoenix USB?


@tjag That's correct, no re-clocker.

I used a Mutec 3+USB for several years using my laptop as source and it served me well but it can't play DSD. I now use an Aurender N20 as my source.

The Musetec 005 clocks internally and when I tried the Mutec with it, well it was superfluous. Adding an expensive LPS to the DDC gave an excellent result and proved to me that USB to I2s sounded better than USB alone.

I'll keep you updated with the SOtM but I couldn't recommend an Aurender N20 and the Musetec 005 combination highly enough.


As an alternative to relying on USB, have you considered a Streamer/DAC like Lumin T2? I have switched to a similar solution last year and couldn’t be any happier. 


i have no clue... 👍, just here making trouble... or am i making a point? 🤔

posts have date stamps, right?

you are an enthusiastic researcher it seems, kudos on that aspect ... but selective reading, wishful thinking and confirmation bias are banes to a researchers’ ultimate ability to arrive at proper conclusions

wish you good luck

For inexpensive, you might consider Gustard U18 ($500). In my system, it delivers powerful, clear, dynamic analogue sounding music via tube DAC (Abbas 2.4SE+). Some serious Head Fi people reported U18 nicer sounding than much costlier Mutec MC3. I tried MC3 with my previous DAC but not compared each directly. Apparently Gustard paid attention to stock U18 USB A-A cable and it does sound very good, connected to my MacBook Pro via Audioquest USB A to C Adapter. Don’t use Apple adapter with short flexible cable which sounds truly terrible. (For casual listening to Radio France Musique off web browser and to mine the rich seam of higher definition classical and jazz films on Youtube)

lordmelton"I’ll keep you updated with the SOtM but I couldn’t recommend an Aurender N20 and the Musetec 005 combination highly enough"

The Aurender is an extraordinary, exceptional, extreme quality machine so I am surprised that you are using it with the Musetec 005, a faulty, flawed, poorly executed design that is extremely unlikely to yield, result, and deliver optimum performance due to it’s poorly thought out multiple clock design that has "competing clocks" wreaking havoc and sonic degradation through the system that results in unrecoverable loss of detail and resolution. You would be wise, prudent, and justified in seeking out better DAC alternatives there are so many today!