Which wires for Origin Live tonearm?

I need to install new wires in my Origin Live Silver Mk2 arm. I've been told that Audio Note silver wires should be the best (https://www.hificollective.co.uk/wire/audio-note-silver-internal-tone-arm-wire.html). I've contacted Origin Live, whom I also intend to carry out the work, and they inform that their own wires ("cryogenicaly treated wire") priced 77 GBP, same as original, are by far superior to the Audio Note wires.
Please let me know if you have any recommendations. Thanks.
Nothing wrong with Discovery cable, it's great, reasonably priced for such a short piece of thin 4 wires, more flexible than cardas. Easy to work with soldering. My Lustre GST-801 was rewired with Discovery cable, i also use the rest for headshells. I think the total price was about $40 or so.  
mre28m5, each run of wire is composed of three twisted strands.  One would need four runs of the wire; two for each channel (+/-). The wire came from audionote u.k. via their North America distributor (at the time?) Audio Federation.  

chakster is correct, there is nothing wrong with Discovery cable; in fact I 
liked it quite a bit.  For my tastes, WITH AN AIRBEARING TONEARM, it just did not have the same level of purity of tone that the AN had.  The AN is not perfect either.  I can see how in a system that leans to the thin and lean the Discovery might be preferred for its fuller presentation; grain and all.  

invictus, which other silver cable have you compared the VDH to?
The person writing about AN wire fails to specify which AN wire he refers to, but I assume it is their silver Litz wire, because THAT, my friends, IS a pain in the arse to work with.  But it is very very good sounding.  And I am one who generally regards AN products as mostly hyped.  I also agree that every single Benz product I have heard is strangely in the same sonic family, a little dark sounding.  The analogy that 100W bulbs have been changed for 40W bulbs is apt.
lewm, to the best of my knowledge the only tonearm wire that AN makes is three stranded silver wire. It was a given that the AN wire referred to was silver litz; but, you’re right I should have specified. Absolute pain in the as& to work with, but possible and totally worth it.