
I was all set to go with the Cardas Golden Reference ICs, but then, through some posts, readings, and general knowledge of cable construction, I am wondering, if going with the Golden Cross is a better way to go? This is for my Audio Aero Prima CDP to YBA Passion Integre. Some posts have indicated that the Cross is more musical. Isn't that what we all want? At least I do. Then, I hear the Reference is more neutral. My head is reeling with all these IC adjective lingo. If you could, please, stick to Cardas, I'd appreciate it. Also: first hand experiences most appreciated. I want to keep this thread on my Cardas "high class" problem. Thanks, always, in advance.
P.S. If you could turn me on to where/who to buy these babies?
The Golden Cross will add a little more low end warmth and bass than the GR, so it really depends on your system and your tastes. Someone with a brighter system would probably prefer the GC and find it to be more musical. Is your system very balanced sounding now? Is it bright? Is it too warm? And whichever it is, do you like it that way?? If you want it warmer in general, go with the GC. Either way, I would highly recommend buying used and saving yourself a lot of money. Better yet...buy a pair of each (used), listen to them, decide which suits you, and then sell the other pair for close to what you paid.
Why don't you just borrow both to audition from the Cable Company? Contact them at www.fatwyre.com and they'll send them out to you for audition for a 5%-10% deposit you can apply to any purchase...
Phild hit it right on the nail. Buy both the Golden Reference and Golden Cross and compare the two. The Neutral Reference is also supposed to do some interesting stuff.