Who does Krell KSA-150 rebuilds/recapping ??

Looking for a qualified Krell tech for recapping / general looking over for potential problems etc. I understand the KSA amp lines "soft start" circuit was a problem being placed too close to its massive transformer. Being a Class A design, would at least like to get it checked out. 

Yeah live in metro Detroit so anything closer to home. Still the Krell facility probably the better option. Thanks all for the info.
Musicbox78,did you find someone to recap your KSA150? I have a KSA200b that I would like to have done myself and live in Allen Park-would like local. I have used Muse in Ann Arbor with good luck on an Aragon 4004 and Thin Air in Ypsilanti may want to take yours on-mines too big for him to move around... Rich 
spitfun 1

I passed on the KSA-150 and went smaller with a Ksa-50s ..... is working great on my Electron SE speakers. 

Still would prefer the Krell factory if ever needed, they do not seem to respond well. 

*** Anybody with Krell Service info please send along ***
My experience with Krell service was not good.  If you have older equipment pre Dan departure you are probably on your own.

Bringing things up to date for anyone interested... I am having my Krell KSA 250 serviced right now..in fact it is done and I just need to drive out there for a pick-up shortly. The interaction with them has been, professional if pro-forma, expensive (which is probably warranted) and hopefully resultant is a killer sounding Classic and classy amp. "probably on your own" just has not my experience with "pre Dan departure" gear. Krell is quite happy to service all their gear...and they are in still in Connecticut. I can see though, that if you are not on the East Coast, the thought of shipping this is hard to fathom.