Who has found happiness giving up cd player?

My system consists of Amati Anniversario speakers, Boulder 865 integrated amp, and Esoteric X-03 player. I like it. But I want to move to computer based sources. And if I do that, I'd like to go completely computer based, trade in my X-03 while my dealer will still give me full credit for it.

I've explored a lot of options. I know about the options with Mac or PC, through XLR or asynchronous USB or firewire, but I still don't know what to do. Go with something relatively cheap like the Ayre QB-9, and wait for the SOTA to advance? Invest in a dCS dac, upsampler, and clock, and expect to keep that for a long, long time? I like the idea of investing for the long term, but I don't want to end up enjoying my ripped CD's less than through my X-03.

It doesn't help that auditioning opportunities are somewhat limited, especially with my speakers and amp. Or that my dealer is adamant that I won't be happy replacing my X-03 with any computer based source, for redbook.

So my question is, has anyone found happiness replacing a mid range player like mine (or better) with an entirely computer based source? Anyone miss their transports?

If you can get a full priced trade on your X-03, perhaps you should consider an Esoteric SA-50, which would liberate ALL possible options, spdif,usb & word sync inputs... CD & SA-CD transport.

Problem solved ;-)
I found happiness replacing a high end CD player with a computer...........Move on

Computer based playback will soon replace CD players. A Computer and a high end DAC that the computer will talk to is the current SOTA.

It is so much cheaper to distribute music via download that the hard shiny discs are going away. Not a matter of if, .....just when.

gave up compact disc; replaced by those strange looking large round black things with grooves on both sides, which make many shake their heads in wonder and amazement.
I am amazed as well - at the significant sonic improvement over nasty digital quantization
My discs have remained archived in storage for years now. Ever since I got a Modwright Transporter I find no need for them beyond initially ripping them to my library. It is so much more convenient having my entire library at my fingertips and to be able to build playlists, or play random selections within a genre or several genres. No turning back. No regrets.