Ditto to Jackd's comment above on the BHK / SN7 tube rolling,. depending upon the adapter used (and who made it), the heater arraignment will not necessarily be complimentary to the circuit,.. for example I had purchased an noval>sn7 adapter but they had just grounded one heater leg but not the 9th pin on the Noval side,.. which is fine if the circuit in play uses DC for the heater V,.. not good if it's AC or if you have a switchable heater circuit like in the BHK that needs to ground the 9. Just be careful and fully understand what you have and how the circuit will be completed with the adapter,.. I personally found that switching to a sn7 on the BHK did not make for a positive enough difference to leave in and take a risk of some type of failure.
I owned a BHK for ~2 years. Sold the BHK and purchased a LCR Cortese (Supratek). Really happy with the Supra. A different sound for sure. Alot more lively sounding than the BHK, which sounded much less engaging or overly smooth by comparison. Yes, I rolled a number of different tubes in the BHK as well. All in all a great pre but like anything in this hobby, synergy will exist between certain components and room setups and there really is no 'one shoe fits all sizes' type of purchase at this level of gear. Been my finding at least...
I owned a BHK for ~2 years. Sold the BHK and purchased a LCR Cortese (Supratek). Really happy with the Supra. A different sound for sure. Alot more lively sounding than the BHK, which sounded much less engaging or overly smooth by comparison. Yes, I rolled a number of different tubes in the BHK as well. All in all a great pre but like anything in this hobby, synergy will exist between certain components and room setups and there really is no 'one shoe fits all sizes' type of purchase at this level of gear. Been my finding at least...