Who has switched from a PS Audio BHK Preamp to something else?

What did you change to? How does the new amp compare? Thoughts on the previous BHK? 

Any other people switch from their BHK since this thread was started over a year ago?

@thiefoflight how did bhk beat the cary? Like detail and speed or tone, euphonics richness, imaging ? Thx

@smodtactical I had the Cary with ultimate upgrade, and even beyond that, I suited it up with very neutral and open tubes such as Sylvania VT-231 and Psvane CV-181. I used Synergistic Research Blue fuses. I used a very good aftermarket power cord. My speakers in this second system ranged from high efficiency Zu to Quad 2805, both which are very revealing despite their different characters.

The Cary was slow as sludge. Warm? Yes. Euphonic? Yes. But the lack of blackness and speed was a huge expense, and being able to hear the dynamics, resolution and imaging the BHK delivered, in addition to the musicality and soul, there was no comparison. I couldn't unhear what I heard with the BHK to make me like the Cary one bit. No disrespect to Cary... I've owned some of their other products which I absolutely loved.

I did consolidate that second system since, but I did move on from the BHK to something else in a much higher price range - a T+A P3000 HV, and that made it into the spot of my primary system.