Who is using passive preamps and why?

Seldom has there been any discussions on passive preamps in the forums and although my experience with them has been limited I have found them so far to be very enjoyable and refreshingly different. They seem to fall into their own category, somewhere between solid state and tube. Finding a preamp that is satisfing has been difficult. Some active solid state preamps can be very good but they seem to inject grain to some degree in the upper registers and some tube preamps are not too far behind. So far I think they should at least be matched up with an amp that has sufficient gain which is often overlooked. Which passives are you using and with what amp? Why do you like them?
Anthony, I only got that chance once at RMAF to here the B1, it looked interesting. Did you here it anywhere else, or just that one day?
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Paul, I also heard the Pass B1 at RMAF that year we met up. I would have tried one sooner, but its not balanced and I already have too many single ended passives lying around.

I'd love to hear the VRE-1. Next time I go to one of the LA/Orange County Audio Society events I'll see if I can visit Steve before or after and listen to it.
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Tvad, thanks for the invite. I'll most likely be heading out for the Brooks Berdan event May 22. Monrovia is not that far from Burbank from what I recall. I'll contact you as the date nears.