Who is using their DAC as a preamp?

Just curious the results people are hearing using Dac as line stage. Some dacs even have Analog inputs.  


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Seems like they’re claiming that actives are better than passives, noise and distortion-wise that is, and that the fully passive route is just a myth. 

Seems like they’re claiming that actives are better than passives
They must make preamps. And quite a few.


Cheers George
George, you are correct, my friend. He does state in the beginning, that his Perla is both active and passive. Once again, YOU THE MAN ! Enjoy ! MrD.
Audio Aero Capitol Reference.  CD / DAC / active line-stage all in one box.  Reference sound at bargain basement price.

In general I do not like DAC w/ digital volume (which I don't think is the same as passive) like the older Wadia (not sure about their current offerings), Sonos, Helios, Logitech Transporter, DCS.


First of all, Perla's new preamp has both active and passive inputs.  Considering I own it and am not going off an out-dated website, I SHOULD KNOW.

Secondly, Vishay makes melf resistors.

Here's a link:   https://www.vishay.com/resistors-fixed/melf/

It's a type of resistor, not a company.

Thank you so much for the correction though.  You're a true gentleman and scholar.