Who makes budget speaker cables which are truly “good” or “exceptional” in quality?

A dealer of mine convinced me into buying Analysis Plus speakers cables that I have enjoyed for a few years now. I noticed some other companies making speaker cables for many multiples of $1k and wondered how many truly good companies are making budget speaker cables nowadays? Who are they? What are the prices?  I had Blue Jean speaker cables some years back and thought they were as good as the Analysis Plus brand I have now. What is your brand? 

Showing 4 responses by travbrow

If you can justify the expense of trying exotic cables and enjoy it there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s your time and money. I have some "budget" VH AUDIO cables and DIY stuff and did try some more expensive stuff and decided my budget stuff is good enough for me. Half my gear has stock power cords and don’t feel I’m missing out.

Now if I feel like tweaking, I’ll mess with room treatments, speaker position tweaks and room correction tweaks. Stuff that’s scientifically sound. If you think a length of wire makes significant difference to you, more power to you. 

I'll admit I enjoyed experimenting with cables especially the DIY cables I made. The problem I see is manufacturers trying to BS people or take advantage of an audiophile's pursuit of improvements. The never ending more expensive "upgrades" these cable manufacturers push. Some with hard to believe claims plus the 200 hour burn in baloney. 

I have a test CD that plays a tone to demagnatize the cables. I play it every once in a while and not sure if it does anything. Also it's not hard or doesn't take exotic material or designs to reject noise in my opinion. Also, don't forget all your recordings are made with plan old cheap shielded pro cables. I find it hard to believe much can be gained from over the top expensive cables vs common sense aproach affordable types. 

Thats just what I think, right or wrong, some would agree some not so much.
@dynaquest4 And then they upgrade to the next more expensive offering, and after the recommended burn in time...even more amazed and shocked at how awesome their system sounds cause of freakin wires. I'm not doubting difference in sound but the hype is top notch.