Dear Phase: IMHO you can start that MM collection anytime while the great MM are stillout there.
The Downunder MM cartridge that he buy is a good example on the MMquality performance but that ADC cartridge is not even the ADC top of the line, I think he pay around 150.00 for it.
Anyway you can try to find one or two MM cartridges and try in your system you will be the best judge about. Even if the MM quality performance could don't like it IMHO is worth to try it and learn something on the subject with a little " fun " on that tests.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Jlin: Good to know it, thank you.
Raul. |
Dear Lawrence: +++++ " are best sounding nothing even comes close... " +++++
well I would like to know against which other cartridges do you already made the Astatic MF series comparison?
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Goatwuss: The B&O, Reson and Nagaoka but with a little luck you can find the others NOS. There are other MM/MI alternatives but those ones are very good to try .
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Headsnappin: Good. I can't see any " secret " on the P-mount adaptor: you just plug-in the Andante and that is all, works!!
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lew: Interesting link article. As important is the resonace frequency in a tonearm/cartridge combination as are ther factors between the relationship behavior between that items combination, the " ideal " frequency resonance can't give you an absolute answer of how that tonearm/cartridge will performs: I mean sound reproduction quality performance.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lew: Yes I try 47K for LOMC cartridges time ago and don't like it but I try it again ( due to Dave and you comments. ) and I don't give me any " new " better characteristic that change my mind about, I try it with the XV-1s and MC 2000.
Now, that change on load affect the quality performance of what we hear mainly in the high frequency range and in SPL too. So when we go from 100 ohms to 47K the first think that we perceive is a louder sound ( with the same volume position in the phonoliepreamp . ) that many people take and like as a better quality performance but in reality there is no better quality performance, in the other side if the phono stage is not so good design that 47K " help " to that PS performs with more " transparency " but that " transparency " is an adding distortion more tan a real and flat high frequency response, the tonal balance change that IMHO and through experiences is not a " natural " one.
I remember a review on cartridges ( XV-1, Myabi, Clearaudio and Titan. ) by HP on TAS where HP made the review loading all those cartridges at 47K ( he always do it. ) and he was really satisfied on that load but looking through his system and knowing that he heard normally at very high SPL his system ( and that maybe he already has a more than small lose on the high frequency ears capacity. ) and what were my experiences with all those LOMC cartridges I send a letter trying to explain him why IMHO that review was totally non-usefull and in many ways just wrong. Of course that the editor decide not publish my letter and he only send me an email telling me that HP will give me a personal answer through email that till today I never receive it.
Btw and off topic on MM, something similar happened with a letter that I send to Stereophile on a MF tube amp review where again JA ( editor in chief ) decide not publish it but at least here MF send me an email with the answer and that was my first time that I " meet " MF.
Anyway, I already soldered again the 100 ohm resistor on my phonolinepreamp.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lawrence: Yes is very important try to match the cartridge to the tonearm in the best way we can.
You say are using only MM/MF and from this: could I assume that ( between others. ) you own one of the Astatic MF cartridge series?
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Bryan: Mainly the sound is more " open" with a clear transparency that not only give us a better high frequency reproduction but a better tonal balance and even with a little improve in the soundstage too.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Derkaschiermeister: The AT-24/25 is one of the best cartridges in the AT catalogue ever along the AT/Signet espeial cartridge division. nice to hear you have it and that you like it: congratulations!.
The AT-24 and the AT-25 are exactly the same cartridge where the AT-25 comes with an integral headshell. I owned the AT-25 long time ago and this week ( just like you: at low price. ) I buy the AT-24 ( very hard to find. ) that I will have on hand maybe at the end of next week.
I'm very excited for it because I know ( just like you . ) that this cartridge is a winner and I'm sure that when I put on play I will confirm my thoughts about, certainly I will report on it.
Btw, I really appreciate if you can email me with its specifications because the cartridge that I buy comes with out " anything ", thank you in advance.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lharasim: I never heard or read about the 2500, so I can't help you with information about.
Now, the quality performance from the MF ones is very good and IMHO near to the top but there are other MM/MI cartridges that are very good too. For me it is hard to say that the MF-100 or the MF-300 is better than the AT-20SS or better than the ADC Astrion because all these ones are great but alittledifferent, I like the Astatic ones but IMHO are not the " only " ones at the top. Of course that is system dependent ( especially on the tonearm. ).
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lharasim: Photoelectric TRIO?, could you share nore information about?: I never hear/read nothing on this cartridge.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lawrence: Thank you to share all that information.
Now, how about some words on its performance.
regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Btw, that Andante cartridge is a P-mpunt type so we need an adaptor to mount in a normal headshell, maybe we can find that adaptor through LP Gear or ebay.
I own the P-38 and this P-76, the difference in build design is on the stylus type where the P-38 comes with an elipthical one against the P-76 that comes with a line contact one. I have to say that both cartridges do very good. These cartridges were marketed by Sumiko.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Joe: Here is the Andante P-76 main information: FR: 8-45,000, Output: 2.5mv, CHB: 0.5db, CHS ( 1Khz): 30db, Compliance: 25cu, VTF: 1.0 to 1.5 grs, Stylus: tapered line and Weight: 5.9grs.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Joe: I think is better that you take note/keep those specs due that the P-76 comes with out that paper, I take it from my P-38 that happen comes with both cartridge specs.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear headsnappin: The Lew point is good ( thank you ), it be better to glue to the adaptor. Here I'm thinking to cut the adaptor pin connectors to connect the headshell wires directly to the P-76 pin connectors.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Joe Good that you find that NOS ATN 20SS for your Audio Technica cartridge.
Yes, definitely what you have is a very good performer and along other great MM cartridges at the top.
Regards and enjoy the music, raul. |
Dear Bryan: +++++ " I was going to get a higher end MC and the Reca would be a spare.... " +++++
the audio life change when we have the open mind for try and discover new alternatives.
Due that I own so many MM/MC cartridges I can't say I have " this or that ( MM/MC ) " for spare but the fact is that here and today my main listening is through MM/MI cartridges. I heard the MC too but in less manner.
With the right system/set-up is very hard to beat a top MM cartridge by almost any top MC one. I like both designs but overall I feel more comfortable in the long run with the MM's: are just addictive!!!!
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Timeltel: You are totally right, the Shure M97xE with the Jico SAS stylus replacement is very good and I can't say if better than the V15III/Jico one but is a cartridge to have/hear. The SAS stylus makes a nice difference.
Maybe some of you could think that I recommended to many MM/MI cartridges that almost all we have to have but that is the way things are: to many very good MM/MI cartridges out there and for its very low asking price: how we can say no!!!
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Derkaschiermeister: What a joy of cartridge is this Audio Technica AT-24!!!!
I like you buy it through ebay at very good price ( not so low like the one you buy. ).
I owned ( several years ago ) the AT-25 that is the same cartridge but comes with integral headshell ( btw, some Agoner told me that the AT-25 sounds a little better due that comes with that integral headshell that is matched with. I can't comment on the subject other that the AT-24 give me the opportunity to try in any headshell/tonearm I want to match it. ), for what I recall was/is a very good performer but nothing near of what in my today audio system show me.
The At-24, physical, is similar to the Signet ( very high-end Audio Technica division. ) TK10-MLMK2 but that is the only similarity on both cartridges. In theory the Signet is a more advanced cartridge than the AT-24, even its stylus is different: micro linear for the TK-10ML and elipthical for the AT-24.
Before I run the At-24 I was waiting a good performance a little below the Signet quality performance ( that is very high. ) but good things comes ( sometimes ) when we are not waiting for and this is the case: the AT-24 is almost in a different league, it is not only its right tonal balance, its right presence, its right, transparency, its right frequency extreme performance, its right rightness but a non-sense that you are hearing a recording but a " real event " and I mean this not in the sense that many people use it to say something is outstanding but as outstanding is the cartridge as is its " naturalness " of the live music where you know you are hearing " live music ".
It is very difficult to say in words ( especialy for me and my english. ) because when you have a " new " experience the normal words take a different level range that to understand it you have to experience it.
Anyway, IMHO the AT-24 is a great MM alternative. Good for you that already own it.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear friends: If you are interested on B&O top of the line cartridge you can find right now on ebay the model MMC1 ( its price seems to me a fair one. ) and in other auction the MMC1 universal adaptor to mount the B&O in any tonearms.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Mike: +++++ " It is a good thing that original needles are still to be had.... " +++++
IMHO I think that today is maybe the best time to find and buy the best ( NOS or second hand. ) " samples " of MM/MI cartridges ever made, a great opportunity here and now.
My advise is that that people that like and care about quality performance make an effort to find/buy those MM/MI cartridges while last.
I know that there are many people that what they want is to have/hear the last very high price LOMC model and nothing wrong with that, well to these people I say that take a little time to " play " with the MM/MI alternative, IMHO they can't be disappointed.
The fact is that if we don't take action right now ( in a hurry. ) we can/could lose that great opportunity maybe for ever.
Fortunate some of us that already own some of those MM/MI great cartridges!
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear friends: On that Andante P-76 buy while it last: it is only 50.00 for a NOS item!!!!
Lawrence, I agree with you this P-76 is a surprising performer, good.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lawrence: As a fact I never heard nothing on the Trio till you posted here:
maybe some other Agoner could help about.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Travis: The P-76 weight is 5.9grs, to this you have to add the adaptor weight: 0.50 pounds.
IMHO overall is better than the EDR.9 and a little different from the TK10. You could be the best judge when you hear it. Good choice.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Mike: All those AT cartridges are something to hear. I like a lot the 20SS but is hard to me to say that I prefer over the AT-24. Both are really good and if you " push me " maybe the 20SS makes a little difference at the high frequency range that affect too the soundstage " perception ". Anyway I can live with either with out any regret.
Btw, IMHO that DL-S1 is a very good cartridge that if you hear with out SUT maybe you can change your mind about.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Mike: Yes, the Teflon caps are way better and yes too: you have enough gain for the S1.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Dgob: Lucky you are to find a NOS ( original ) ATN20SS.
I hope you can share with us your AT experiences.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear friends: This post is nice to read it:
+++++ "
08-03-09: Axelwahl Just for some interest and still on the M20FL super subject. My Audio friend, a VERY fussy stickler to sound performance and owner of Transfiguration Orpheus-L has heard both carts in my system and conceded that the M20FL was doing A LOT of things better the his Orpheus! (I'm shocked) ---- he also agreed with my earlier statement of the M20FL bettering a Kontrapunkt-B, and being at least on a level with a Jubilee performance, possibly even slightly better. " +++++
Btw, I agree with Axel's friend.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lewm: +++++ " have auditioned and found to be BAD. At least some of them must be disappointing. Which ones? " +++++
I don't hear all the cartridges I own yet but from the ones I already audition no one is BAD.
Let me try ( in the near future ) to find time to make not a " book " about but at least a different performance level cartridge list on the subject but in the mid-time I'm sure that other persons can post about.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Axel: Do you like the Ortofon M20FL Super?, yes I know that by your post.
Well, you are hearing only a fraction of the whole quality performance of that cartridge because you are running it at 47K instead 100K and you are using those VTA spacers.
Both factors IMHO makes a detriment on the cartridge quality performance ( yes I understand quite precise that you have no other choice to do it. ), so what I want to say is that the performance of your M20FL is maybe 20% better than what you are hearing today, maybe more ( very hard to say. ). Yes IMHO is that good!!!
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Axel: I'm not using AS and I'm trying 1.15 on VTF for a few hours ( due that is a NOS stylus. ) and latter on I will try 0.75 and let you know.
Btw, good that you already happy with this Empire cartridge, I like it.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Tobes: If you read in one of my post on the Garrot P77 ( other what you posted on its performance ) my experiences with is that one of its strong characteristics is its tight, precise, no overhang and well defined bass that it is not what you are experienced with this cartridge.
Of course that you and me are using the P77 in different tonearms and I think with different load impedance that does not makes a bass difference but it makes a high frequency difference for the better that overall improve the bass presentation.
About the MP-50 I can say that as good as both cartrridges are it hhas differences especially at mid-range and high frequency extreme: where the P77 is more " true " in the midrange where the MP-50 is more extended and a little more " airy " than the P77. But this differnces can change depending on the audio system set up.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Travis: I agree: it is a steal for the price. The P-76 is so good that ( when is complete sttle-down. ) if I tell some one that is hearing a 3K cartridge maybe could think is worth to have it!!!
Nice to read that you are not disappointed, good.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Tobes: Nice to read you are doing better and an interesting subject is that you could be better ( improve ) yet!!:
++++ " I haven't done any real experimentation with this yet, and there may well be more gains to be had in this area " ++++
Like for you for me was/is a very nice discovery the MM/MI alternative because many of us own for many years these kind of cartridges in " stock " with no use: just like you for the last 20 years.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lewm: I own/owned almost any single ( MC/MM ) Audio Technica cartridge ( see my today AT stock. ) and through my experiences about I never found a " down " model ( like the 12 ) that surpass to an up model ( like the 15 ), this case is no exception so if you can that ebay auction is a good opportunity to try the 15 where in the future if you find an original ATN20SS/SLa stylus replacement you copuld have one of the top MM cartridge performers.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Dave: I don't try it yet but what I suggest about ( P-76 headshell mount. ) is to cut the universal headshell adaptor pin connectors in favor to connect the headshell wires directly to the self cartridge pin connectors.
Btw, any one of you already try it?, thank you in advance.
regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Dean_man: It's good to confirm through experiences like yours that the Andante P-76 is worth to have it ( even at that " price ". ), thank you for share about.
I can't say who build/design the Andante cartridges that were marketed by Sumiko.
I can see that you are really " close " to Empire cartridges, I like Empire too.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lewm: This is better than the one you posted:
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Siniy123: Could you compare its quality performance against other top MM cartridges you own?, thank you.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear T_bone: I never heard ( even I un-know its existence. )the 101C.
You are right the 100CMK4 is a prize. The 205CMK4 is still very good performer and loaded at 100K is a winner too.
Btw, what do you think on the 100CMK4 against your MC cartridges?
regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Siniy123: So that Shure is a very good cartridge. Do you already compare against other Shure ones like the V15-V or M97Xe?
Btw, I agree with you about the Micro Acoustics cartrridge that you name it along the 830 and the Ma2002e.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Frogman: Here is the Andante P-76 main information: FR: 8-45,000, Output: 2.5mv, CHB: 0.5db, CHS ( 1Khz): 30db, Compliance: 25cu, VTF: 1.0 to 1.5 grs, Stylus: tapered line and Weight: 5.9grs.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Pryso: I'm accustom to use the cartridges with out stylus guard due that almost all the MC ones must play with out it.
If your audio system has the adequate resolution you could hear a very tiny improvement ( clear highs. )with out the stylus guard. Now in the MC cartridges we have the advantage that when the audio system is siwicht-off the cartrridge has its stylus guard to protect it but on the MM/MI ones we have to leave the cartridge with out no protection, this is a " small " risk just depending on our own care about.
On the cartridge brushes ( Shure, Stanton, Pickering, ) the improvement is a little higher but on both cases ( stylus guard and brushes. ) is system dependent.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Dgob: In my experience that AT ML-170 OCC is one of the " must to have " cartridges ( MC or MM ) along the 180 OCC.
I hope that when you already have/play it you can share with us what do you think about.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Axelwalh: Empire 1000 ZE/X, finally I test it and after 10 hour IMHO this Empire is a top grade quality performer.
I receive this cartridge ( second sample. ) in very bad " looking " conditions, first thing I have to do was to make a in deep clean on the cartridge pin connectors ( this is worth to do it with any cartridge but especially with this vintage ones. ) and fortunately I already have a NOS stylus replacement because the one in the cartridge was really bad.
I'm loaded at 100K, VTF 1.15grs and the VTA with a pronounced positive angle.
Its bass performance is one of the best out there, not only deep but tight and precise with no overhang and in good quantity, great midrange and extended/transparent highs with all the detail you can look in top cartridges. For now I can't say nothing against its quality performance.
As you can read I don't experienced what you did other than the very good bass performance, so I can say that if your sample is in good condition ( btw, you can buy a NOS stylus replacement for 30.00 on ebay. ) then its quality performance differences with mine is due to set-up/system related because this cartridge can't be better!!!
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Axel: I forgot, I mounted in AT-1503 Audio technica tonearm with a 15grs aluminum alloy headshell and with the stylus guard on place.
As I posted: only 10 hours on it, I'm waiting an improvement ( I hope! ) after another 15 hours.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lewm: I think you can't do it ( of course you always can try it. ) because that model in particular has different specs on: output level, internal inductance and internal impedance against the 15-20 SLa/SS models.
The 13 model was not very popular even the 12 was more commercial one and this 12's has the same characteristics than the big " brothers " but not the 13.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |
Dear Lewm: IMHO that way is not the best to achieve/to have a top MM/MI quality performer.
If you own a Honda Accord not because you change its name for Ferrari : you have a Ferrari, things are not so easy.
In cartridges is almost the same. Normally the top of the line MM/MI cartridges are different from the other models in a cartridge series because are hand calibrated to precise specifications where in the lower models does not happen.
Audio technica is a good example on that: the AT 15SS is the second on the line from top and you can change its stylus by the ATN 20SS ( the one of the top model. ), well even that are so close models its quality performance ( with the ATN20SS stylus. ) between the 15SS and the 20SS is different. Lew even in the AT20SLa and the AT20SS exist performance differences.
If you want the quality level of the 15SS you must buy the 15SS, no doubt about.
The cartridge you buy is in eight place from top in that Audio Technica series, its original price ( 1979 ) was 70.00 against 220.00 for the AT 20SS.
Of course that always is nice to buy a " bargain " on cartridges and I can tell you that many ( almost all ) of the MM/MI cartridges that we name it in this thread are truly a " bargain " ( a century bargain. ) even at those ridiculous prices of 100.00-300.00 dollars.
For that " ridiculous " prices you buy a cartridge with a quality performance that LOMC cartridges in the price range: 3K-8K only can " dream " and can't achieve and IMHO this is the important subject.
Regards and enjoy the music, Raul. |