Who's your guitar daddy now?

Check out this video:

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"Over the Rainbow" isn't often thought of as a "show piece" but Tommy Emmanuel makes it just that. A remarkable arrangement and stunning performance!

Here are some of my favorite guitar albums and Artist. Just to name a few, I have many.
PAUL ROSE - THE LEARNING CURVE (acoustic guitar, instrumental & vocals)
PLANKTON - 3 (Instrumental Rock)
MICHAEL LEE FIRKINS - BLACKLIGHT SONATAS (Instrumental, one song with vocals, check out the Theme From Sanford And Son, (the Streetbeater, incredible)
KING HOBO - S/T (Jazz Rock & Blues)
PREACHER STONE - S/T (Southern Rock today)
BLINDSTONE - FREEDOMS CALLING (HEAVY ROCK with solos flying all over the place)
And the list goes on.
This 15 year old kid from France is pretty amazing. This is one of his own if I am not mistaken. Also check out his vid of New Canon Rock on youtube.
