Who says cables don't make a difference?

Funny, after all these years, people still say things like "you wasted all that money on cables". 
There are still those who believe cables don't make a difference.
I once did marketing for a cable line I consider to be about the best-Stealth Audio Cables. 
One CES, I walked the rooms with the designer/owner, Serguei Timachev. He carried a pair of his then new Indra interconnects. Going from room to room he asked the room runners to replace their source to preamp IC with the Indra. There was not one that was not completely flabbergasted and said that the Indras blew away what they were using. That was the skyrocketing of Indra and Stealth. The Indra became one of the best reviewed cables ever.
Serguei now makes the Sakra-an IC that blows away the Indra!
I don't understand why some still do not value cables as much as I.
Some has disdain for solutions that dont come from them or dont have a place in their frame of mind.... :)
Not me, i guess i was an audiophile, because the most important was for me to win a good hi-fi by my own means only ( i dont have the luxury of money). And i am not an engineer....

But in audio, the engineering basic design is already mature for the last 50 years, and except some new technology, the basic design is mature, then almost all product are on a quality/price ladder with 3 rungs : low, mid, high....Even dac technology begins to be good in the last decade and affordable...

Then for an audiophile, the S. Q. comes mostly from many other things than only electronical basic information or design... Pick some good E.C. (electronic component) on this ladder and the S. Q. increase will not come from basic electronical information mainly , but from the way you will embeds this audio system in your house and room....

Within 2 years of experiments each week mainly, i create my homemade low cost solutions to these 3 embeddings problem that would seem ridiculous or worst appalling in some case for a classical audio engineer... They works marvel for peanuts....My ears said so indeed....

No measuring electronic device would have made that possible...No way....

Controls of resonance, of the house electrical grid and last but not least of the acoustic with not only with passive materials but mostly active different ways can create a S. Q. "out of this world" without any unecessary upgrade...

My principal audio discovery after my own experience, is most people dont even know what the audio system they already own is able optimally to deliver....No electronic measuring device would replace the methods i had use to controls this 3 embeddings...For sure no change of cables too.... :)

For the cables problem, yes there is difference, no they are not generally big differences, and thirdly most people listen to cables in a non controlled environment then how can they be sure that their cables is the best?...

And last, most cables afficionados put their money at the wrong place, and for that i think like roberttdid  and i have the same opinion .... But his measuring proof is for me unecessary and his blind testing obsession let me cold like ice.... My ears speak louder to me about cables differences so to speak.... :)

I trained my ears to transform my own system without needing any engineer, with good basic electronic component....I succeed for the cost of almost peanuts.... I dont sell nothing, my idea are free and i dont upgrade....

Regards to all....
Couldn't possibly come from decades of experience and numerous tests ... and not just with my ears, but with many other ears. I am sure many of those ears were just as "qualified" as many on here. 

mahgister2,826 posts07-13-2020 8:01pmSome has disdain for solutions that dont come from them or dont have a place in their frame of mind.... :)
not me, i guess i was an audiophile, because the most important was for me to win a good hi-fi by my own means only ( i dont have the luxury of money).

Roberttdid, i dont doubt a second your competence in audio....Not one second.... I know how to read between lines and not only lines...

You know way much than me in audio no doubt at all...

Is it clear?

But you dont imagine or know all that there is to know.... This is my point... And what i create homemade for my system with success would appear to you like non sense.... But....


The cosmos is more vast than we think..... Audio is also a "cosmos".....

I am so happy that I believe what I see and hear, rather than listen to others who try to say I should deny those things. That I must live by their rules because they define the rules for others, and doing otherwise is denying the truth, according to them. They must define what truth is for us, some of them seem very desperate to make us see thus truth, as if their truth will unravel if not. We should be the sheeple to their temple of truth. I’m happy with just being me, not sure why they’re so insistent we must be them