Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder

What was your favorite one hit wonder song, and who performed it? You can name one or a few.

I loved (and still do) "Voices Carry" performed by Till Tuesday.

C'mon. Put on your thinking caps.
There was a great song by Red Ryder but I can't remember the name. Ah, "Lunatic Fringe".
Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks. it was a freaky song about suicide or something like that. I can still remember the chorus but not much else. I haven't heard it in a while.

Mejames, was Missing Persons a one hit wonder or was it just me that heard a bunch of their songs?
HEY !! is this not way more fun than which piece of thousand $ copper wire sounds better?! 1. My Boy Lollipop by Millie Small 2. Roller Skate Song by Melanie 3. Party Train by the Gap Band 4. Sweet Soul Music by Arthur Conley