Who would like to see a "Tube" section

I would like to see a "Tube" section in the "Quick Stop" section of the main page of Audiogon. There seems to be a big demand for tubes out there, I think it would be a good idea if Audiogon were to set up a separate section for people that want to sell tubes. Would anyone else like to see this?
With all the varieties of tubes and their various operating conditions, this may be a can of worms that Audiogon doesn't want to deal with. I have already seen disputes regarding tubes that were purchased and advertised here on A-gon. As with any other used item, one must proceed with caution when buying a product. I think that is is even more true with used tubes. Sean
I kind of agree with Sean. Tubes are difficult. I've had 2 situations, where I was told the tubes were tested and good (NOS). I tried them--they buzzed very loudly in my amps. In one case I sent them back--no problem. In another, the seller insisted they were good and that it was my amp that was the problem. I have many tubes that work flawlessly in this amp, but these didn't. I'm a complete neophite on tubes--and the first to admit it. I love the sound, but my ignorance in this area means I have to pay retail (or close) with sellers that will take things back with no questions asked. So, I think I'm a good example of why we might want to heed Sean's advice.
There is a lot of mislabeling in the tube market. In addition, they need to be checked if they are NOS and even matched (like drivers) for best performance. I agree that it is risky to buy tubes from ebay or unknown sources. I am sure that some have had great success but I tend to buy from a few known sources only.

That being said, I would still like a place where folk with limited stock could come and have a market because it is needed and I think the bad apples would be identified and disposed of more quickly at a site like this.

I remain,
Abstracts got a point but instaed of having to scroll through preamps and power amps to find ad's it would be nice to have two sections.Realiabilty is another issue fom convenience.