"Whose" Beethoven do you like?

Between, Klemperer's Beethoven, Karajan's, Toscanini's, Bruno Walter's and Furtwanglers Beethoven, who would be your favorite? I have a Toscanini CD recorded in mono, and i am looking for suggestions on complete set of Beethoven simphonies, that are superbly recorded too! Thanks!
Karajan's 1962 release on DG is among the best. It's decently recorded and reasonably priced too.
The Karajan 62' is probably the best compromise for a first Beethoven set overall. A decent but not great recorded sound but excellent and consistent performances. Carlos Klieber's recordings of the 5th and 7th are musts for everyone period. The '38 Toscanini recordings are generally better musically than the early 50's versions. Several of the Furtwangler recordings are musically wonderful, especially any of the three live recordings of the ninth, my personal fave being the Lucerne Festival performance. I think that Walter's and Klemperer's Beethoven are special tastes and I would not recommend them unless you have a special affinity. If you want to, try the Klemperer version of the Fifth or Walter's Seventh. If you don't like those performances you won't like their others. The Harnoncourt set has the electrical excitement of a live performance and is well recorded but it really should be a second or third set. The "original instruments" crew of Norrington and Gardiner have good performances and are for the most part well recorded. Either of those would be a good buy but I would stay away from Goodman and the Hanover band. Also stay away from the Solti set. I am personally fond of the Szell set for classical elegance but again this is an second or third set.
Some may disagree, but Leinsdorf conducting the Boston Symphony in the performance of the 9th is magnificent. There is a remastered release on BMG's High Performance label that will blow you away. It is inspiring! As far as all around sonics and performance go, this is the best I have heard. Originally recorder in the late 50s or early 60s. Give it a shot.
DG/Karajan (1962)at mid price a good choice, to complete Karajan survey get his 1977 9th, his best ever with very exciting final. DG/Klieber 5&7 is a must have, legendary performances that are remastered at mid price, no brainer. Gardner and Harnoncourt are good but at full price not the best bargain, Gardner is best peroid instrument performance set if you must have one. Arte Nova/Zinnman is the new contender, exciting performamces that are well recorded at super budget price, some consider this set the best at any price. RCA/Wand and EMI/MacKerras are very good, well recorded and at budget price. BTW I purchase the Zinnman series online for $24, unbelievable bargain, and probably the best all around set to begin with.....you can never have just one!