Whose got best class D at this point?

Bel Canto,PS Audio,Redwine what am I missing out there for either hi-effciency speakers like the Redwine Sig 30 (great review in 6moons and sounds like it would be great with Silverlines or my German horn Odeon Tosca's) or for current hungry speakers the PS GCA250 or Bel Canto 300.Think after years of onventional SS and tubes might want to take plunge but want guidepost to best bet for the money.
A couple of months ago I did a round of audition for amps to drive my Gallo Ref 3 II. I tried half a dozen of powerful amps in the $3,000-5,000 range, including the Bel Canto Ref 1000 (which I liked), but when I tried the NuForce SE9 v2 I immediately stopped searching: I found them head and shoulder above the competition and I brought them home
Whose got the best? Good luck in getting any sort of definite
answer. I am a believer in the Class D, T, Ice, Nuforce,etc. technology. I don't know who has the best or which technology is superior. I have an Audiosource Amp 7T I got off E-bay for a very modest sum. I am constantly surprised at how good it is. I will always have someone's "Class D" for my power amp.
I think this new Nuforce may really be a step up.I think we are in infancy of chip amps.I am surprised though given what I have read that another digital product hasn't caught fire that being the DEQX processor (I know I am hijacking my thread but it's so old it's growing whiskers).After reading the DEQX pre/pro review at (again) 6moons and hearing hub bub about NHT Xd I am surprise this digital domain fix hasn't gotten more licensing.But for speaker builders like a guy I know who put his own ribbons and Fostex into his own di-pole frames and put subs in floors he got to have x-over completely handled by DEQX which analyzes his room and components (including drives and "cabinet: which in his case is compressed foam) and he ols me it rocks.But then again he got it to do up a pair of $400 Dahlquist to sound almost as good as $10K Infinity MTS's.I think all this chip stuff from amps to room processing will make in 5 years the stereos we use look like Edison cylinder players.