why a 75 dollar blue ray smokes all 2k CD players and any turntable???

Funny story,
I posted a pic of my turntable spinning an lp for a social media fan site for a specific band.I got a response by a guy," OH my it sounds so much better then a cd" my response was basically its all up for debate and in many ways digital is superior on paper and I enjoy both.This is his response..  ENJOY...

   interesting that the world of true audio quality has been grossly mis-represented in the market place. This has mainly been driven by Hi-Fi Press and marketing vogue that perpetuate the myths that what makes a great audio system is some exotic, very expensive speaker cables, a 'high end ' player and some exotic amp. Its also true that vintage audio products like valve amps and vinyl are creeping back into fashion - more of a symptom of the issue that audio quality has for the most part reached an impasse.

The main culprit - loudspeakers represent the main ceiling on audio quality and this really has not changed for many decades. Put simply if you change the speakers to something that really does the sound transduction step (the most compromised part of the audio chain) much better then you begin to see the leap in improvement that is possible. For the most part the amp (as long as it is solid state and has decent power output) and the cable (as long as it is something a bit thicker than human hair) makes little to no audible difference to audio quality.

The type of CD player does not matter either, as the speakers  introduce a degree of distortion and degradation that commonly outweighs any differences my many orders of magnitude.  We have had really good reviews by the audio press but they still don't want to admit that the latest exotic looking £2000 CD player really does nothing special but helps sell magazines so perpetuating the scam! Ridiculous really when you can get a BD player for £40 that trumps the CD spec in every aspect! Don't get me started on vinyl!S

my response was basically its all up for debate and in many ways digital is superior on paper

Many things are superior.... on paper. "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Clearly superior.... on paper.

PS- Love the "in so many ways" qualifier. Admitting that even setting aside the one and only way that matters (how it sounds) digital isn’t clearly superior but only "in so many ways." Good one.

speakers are the link yes ,but to make a statement like any ss amp and a 75.00 blue ray will produce no discearnable difference over a higher end set up is ridiculous to me because I've heard the difference myself . whatever paper says 
It would be so wonderful, and money-saving if OP's hypothesis was true; but the fact that many of us have known through personal experience for many years is that while a very good speaker will certainly show its worth with an average or even below average amp and source, it's true greatness and personality will only be exposed by a better source and amplification.
I recall many years ago, John Atkinson was reviewing a small monitor, maybe a Celestion, and at some point in his reviewing process , he used a Mark Levinson 23.5 (I think) to drive it. He made the comment that he wished everyone could hear and understand what a difference a really fine amplifier could make to the performance of even a modestly priced speaker. Through my own experience, I agree.  
I'll never forget a 1987 demo of a cheap CD player with an Oxford Acoustics table with Air Tangent arm and Koetsu Rosewood, a Radford tube amp (IIRC) with $60 Wharfedale Diamonds. Night and day. The relatively expensive turntable made the speakers light up. Harpsicord music. We thought it was a trick.  

You're getting some things confused he said as long as you're using a decent SS amp and cable you will notice little to no audible difference into the same speakers. The other part was you would notice no difference between a $2000 CD transport and a basic BD player, I agree if they are both used with the same DAC. I understand most don't agree with this but technology has made most components interchangeable except for the speakers. Your playback chain is only as good as the piece that produces the most distorion and nowadays that's speakers by a pretty good margin. Not to say there are amps and DACs, transports etc.. that are worse than a speaker the Border Patrol DAC comes to mind and a number of tube components.