Why a separate DAC?

Hey folks,

I recently finished upgrading all of my equipment. I settled on an Arcam AVR (which is amazing), and KEF R-series speakers for my front mains. I've been debating if I should get a separate DAC, but based on what I've read, my AVR already has a DAC in it. Is there any point in getting a separate one to handle processing the signal, is the benefit incremental, or is there a potential to unlock even better sound?
Your weakest link is your source material. I speak from personal experience. I most frequently listen to spotify through my Sonos, which is similar in sound quality to airplaying itunes music. I hooked my Sonos to an Audio Research DAC8 (pretty high end DAC)margin difference if any at all. The bottom line is my music source (like yours) is not going to sound any better with a new DAC. If you are looking for a sound improvement it should start with your source material.
Bob - just saw your other post about room correction, etc. my AVR actually isn't using room correction because it's not supported in bi-amp mode. That said the input is via HDMI, so it is surely digitized going in.

Interesting question though if the DAC is actually being engaged though since room correction is not happening... I'll check with the manufacturer. Appreciate all the feedback :). Hopefully I can contribute something back!
Thanks Skyflyer - I know of the Sonos stuff, and think we have a similar situation on the content issue.
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