Why are all the Virtual Systems mega-assaults now?

I've noticed that more recently nearly all of the activity on the virtual systems is with really decked-out systems in lavish rooms with $50K speakers and electronics, cables, and single malt Scotch to match.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's nice to see how the upper crust live. But I've always viewed a strength of the virtual systems as showing how people have put together budget items with great synergy. What ever happened to the guys with the Adcom amp and PSB speakers posting about the continuing evolution of their systems? (Maybe they've updated to a spiffy room, speakers that require a forklift to position, MBL electronics, and cables that each cost more than my car.)

I guess Albert Porter's system gets a lot more traffic because people like discussing systems like that, but I really do miss seeing new "bang for the buck" units pop up on the virtual systems and admiring their ingenuity for putting it together.

Am I the only one who's a little disappointed with this?

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Most people spent more on sales tax than I did for my posted system. People have always been very nice about the low cost so no problem there.
I posted for informational reasons and despite the problems, there is something to be said for single driver. Even though my driver is not that great in absolute terms, running it full-range with no x-over closes the gap.
"Stick with what is appropriate for your needs and you will stay out of trouble" is my motto. Hobby is different than industry. Industry buys for filling a useful need whereas hobby is for fun or getting the latest and greatest. Just go down to DMV and see the office furniture from the 50's to see what I mean.
I personally would not go with the $$$ flex drivers because they need big power and don't come to life until you reach volumes higher that what I listen to. I don't want a full-range driver over 4" because of dispersion problems. Also the driver breakup is so bad in the HF, a cheap $3.00 Dayton tweeter can do better IMHO.
If you get a super-resolution system, plan on throwing out half your music. Especially considering the crap I listen to. Anyone hear of the Zoo-Bombs or Curve?
Maybe when I get the speaker worked out, I'll go for a nice 10wpc class "A" amp. No sense in that for now.
John, that's a good point for looking at the number of systems in each category, rather than the number of posts on them. You're right, people like to talk about the whiz-bang systems a lot more than someone's NAD integrated.

I guess my cutoff for "mega-system" is if any one of the individual components costs more than $10,000. But you're right, that is a relative term that means different things to different people. Maybe we should look at it like porn: we can't define it but we'll know it when we see it.

One thing to consider is that those with uber systems have the means to swap out components and make a lot of changes and updates, which results in activity/discussion. Disposable income allows some to continually pursue incremental improvements. Those with more modest system probably tend to put something together and once they are happy forget about it (I am generalizing here of course). Just my opinion.
Somewhat off topic, but related. Why do people who have quite expensive systems (and I understand expensive to be in the eyes of the beholder), but not an all-out, megabuck, SOTA, climbing new heights, mother of all assaults system put their systems down when compared to the Olympian systems? I mean, if there's a mega system posted costing $120,000 and your system only cost $20k, isn't your system still really, really great? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about diminishing returns or in any way saying the expensive systems aren't worth the money spent on them. I just don't think the very expensive systems lessen the quality of cheaper systems. If viewing the mega systems has taught me anything is that usually for 1/10th their cost a skilled audiophile could put together a truly first class system. It won't really rival the expensive system, but it wouldn't be anything to be ashamed of.
10 years ago when I had a starter system, I didn't even know what a digital camera was!

If it was possiable, I would have shown my system and every developmental step on the way to where I am now.

I think some people that have responded are way off base. No one should feel intimtated by showing a "sub $30K" set up. 98% of the people with systems over $50k at one time had a sub $29K set up and mostly likly WAY below that figure....

I think showing the diveristy can motivate others to put togeather systems that fit their budget. If I thought ONLY real systems were over $50k, I would have given up years ago...