Why are so many albums poorly remastered onto cd

It seems like every time I read a review of a remastered album onto CD everybody just bags on the quality and from some of my experiences, rightfully so.The quality of music is going away so quickly, why is it so hard to remaster a album?
Many remastered CD's do sound inferior to the original, but there are many that actually sound better.
Read The article in The Absolute Sound, "What Exactly Are CD-Quality and High-Resolution Audio?" in the July/August 2012 issue. It reveals a lot about mastering and remasters, etc.
There's roughly a million bits of information per inch of vinyl record groove. There is no dispute about this. A "red" laser pick-up is capable of about 1/3 of that. If this sounds better to you, then your analogue system is obviously lacking. "Blue" lasers, aka, blue ray, are apparently competitive. I've heard rumor that we will enjoy this benefit in future, albeit to a limited extent. It has to do with focal ability.