Why aren't the older members still active ?

Just curious who is still very active from 2000 and earlier
on this site? I don't get on very often. I guess I have no opinions or my interest lies elsewhere. I remember in the early 2000s there seemed more interesting and heated topics then now. I cannot even get a rise out of anybody for saying "the Beatles where the worse group ever". I think somebody replied " I am a moron" without stating why he thought they were good. I started a thread in Music: Garage Band Hangover, about a website called Garage Hangover, but like 2 people responded. Some of my favs haven't been on in 3 even 5 years. So why is that?
See any names you remember and wonder what happened to them?
Albert: Yes, although to be fair a few, such as Elizabeth, Russ and Dan, haven't really left from what I can see. But I don't look (lurk?) very often, I was lucky to find this thread. (Also can't forget that crazy diamond Psychicanimal, who I stopped hearing from several years ago.)
Thanks for the list, Albert!

I compiled a list, but it was woefully short next to yours. I'd like to add Brulee, Gthirteen, Natalie, and Leafs.

Isn't Kelly (Cornfedboy) on the other side of the curtain here at Audiogon? Or, has that relationship run its course?

Carl Eberhart and I stayed in contact for a while, but when his e-mail address changed, I was no longer able to write to him. If anyone can shoot that over to me, I'd appreciate it.

I saw Russ (Rcprince) a month ago, and it looks like I'll see him again in two weeks. He's doing quite well, and still posts here at times.
Maybe they got tired of seeing all the "what's the best" questions on a daily basis. Or recently,because of reading my answers to the "what's the best" questions!!!!!! Who knows? :)
Tpreaves. I love that answer you've been putting in the "What's the best" threads. Very true.

I'm no surprised members stop posting here after some time. Maybe they have found what they were looking for or achieved a sound with their system that they find acceptable. I've been here a relatively short time and one thing that has come to really bother me are all the same repetitive questions. Best $1K DAC or best speaker under $XX dollar amount. Please make it stop.

That is what the archives are for. Search there and read up. I've been in other forums where the search capability wasn't there or downright horrible. The searching function here is pretty good. Or use your favorite web search engine. Put your topic and and then add site:forum.audiogon.com after it. Lots of good stuff in the archives will show in your results.

Sometimes I wish moderators would delete those repetitive threads but what can you do.

I also think the arguments that break out in some threads that would make other members want to go away. Some threads really get derailed. I'd love more moderators to delete some of that stuff as well to keep the threads from getting ugly.