Why CD players will never be dead

The main reason , there is just way to many CD's out there to end a format . Anyone want to take a guess how many ? The manufacturers are still putting there time and resources into developing new and better players , and people with servers seem to be spinning disc's more than ever .
So according to that wiki and what I previously thought, it is A COMPLETE FALLACY that the audio cd player reads a different set of data each time and products like the ps audio perfect wave are relying on pure marketing to make people think cd reads are inaccurate.
An uncorrectable error burst is just one of many issues addressed elsewhere in this thread.
Your 'complete fallacy' assertion would take quite a major leap of faith to believe.
On paper, in a perfect world, there is no reason for a CDP not to read a CD exactly the same way, every time. We don't live in a perfect world. Something else is at work here.
MRTennis wrote:
"i have only found one digital front end that i prefer to my cd player, namely the original zanden and its companion transport.

i will assume that you fabricate a fine product but i doubt it sounds like the original zanden or the original lector."

You would be wrong. As you can see from this old customer posts:




even my older obsolete Spoiler DAC beat the Zanden 5000 and dCS stacks. My new Overdrive DAC is a LOT better, taking best of show from TAS in both 2010 and 2011 at RMAF.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
HFChoi - you are correct. With a clean CD, there are virtually no read errors with modern read heads. There will be some differences in jitter with each play however, based on lots of things, such as AC power, ground loops in the system etc..

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
hi steve:

i think you miss my point.

1) the fact that some prefer your tranhsports and dac combinations to the zanden does not mean that is in fact better.

2) preference is subjective. i dare say it is possible that i would disagree with the assessment of the zanden relative to your products, because of taste considerations.

as has been said before many fine products are different not better than each other.

again, i will not cast aspersions on your products, its just that hmy preferences differ from yours.

would you bet that i would prefer your dac and transport to, say the lector player ?