Why did you switch from Audio Research Ref 3?

The Audio Research Ref 3 has garnered rave reviews from the
audiophile press. Many of us have changed from a Ref 3 to other Preamps. Why have you decided to make a change? What Preamp replaced the Ref 3 in your system?
Was the new component a better choice?
Most of the time it's not the sound that makes people make the change, just new eye candy.
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I switched from ARC Ref 3 to a Jeff Rowland Design Capri linestage. My decision was based on sonic/musical attributes alone. In spite of its diminutive size and much lower price point, after 500 to 700 hours of break in, I found Capri preferable to Ref 3 in the following areas: top to bottom frequency extension, linearity/precision, harmonic exposure, low level detail, macro and micro dynamics, delicacy of treble, authority, instrument separation, overall engaging musicality.
In *comparison, the music/musicians of the REF3 sounded somewhat 'lazy' and thus much less engaging. Also felt layers of veil (which I had not even noticed before was there) evaporated from between me and the performers. I would not have believed myself had someone told me that REF3 could be improved in such 'magnitude' until I heard and compared them first hand, in my, and few other different set-ups. The ARC REF3 was a satisfying pre-amp, however, I moved up to the FM Acoustics *FM266MKII, then recently the FM268.
Yes,I also had the REF 3 for a short duration,it is a very competent and impressive pre amp.Long story short,I was so intrigued by Guidocoronas favourable review of the Capri I bought one.Nice piece,it just didn't work well in my system which brings us to the "nut" of this hobby/obsession.It's all about harmony and synergy with your components.What works well for me, may not for you.I sold the REF 3 on the basis that the money could be better spent on amplification.My current pre amp is an Audio Horizons.