Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?

Traffic is very low today vs 2000!

Are most audiophiles "set" with their systems, and no longer care?

Are 90% of audiophiles close to retirement, or retired and broke?

Most older "classic" audio equipment also does not show up for sale anymore IMO.
When you factor in the decline of younger audiophiles and the diminishing older generation, combined with the affluent audio jewelry crowd who mostly support the big name boondoggles...the likes of us audio lovers who grew up spinning vinyl on mix n match vintage gear in a darkened basement are far and few between.

Shandorne, you have painted a pretty bleak picture of a self inflicted wound which I don’t find so true. There is some of that but always, I hardly see it as the driving reason for a dwindling market. Rather I believe the economy not recovering for most since the crash has both the new and used product markets soft and reluctant when it comes to luxury goods. I don’t see anything like the quantity or variety of high quality, sought after, gear being listed here, like the days of past crash. And there is a whole lot of low balling or nothing going on with what is listed here. Many people apparently just don’t have the discretionary funds, and those who do are putting it on the market or, sitting pat IMHO. The boomers post crash, now have to look at their nest egg and market recuperation timing more closely. The boom days are gone.

Well on the bright side there's lots of buzz about audiophile fuses and quantum stickers these days.   Maybe all the big fish have already been fried.  😳