Why do my speakers "POP" when I turn off preamp?

HI. Is there any way I can get rid of that loud POP sound though my speakers that I get when I turn off the preamp (and leave the amp on)? My preamp is a C-J PV10A, which is recommended to turn off when not in use, but my amp is the C-J MF-2200, which is SS and can be left on. That sound can't be good for the speakers.
on my system i turn off the power amp first and that stops the pop from making it to your speakers,you can allways turn your power amp back on after you turn off your preamp,,
Bad Kharma......no possible reason to leave the amp on.

Rule is....amp(s) on last, off first. Practice this before you damage the speakers.


Paul :-)
I always take my volume down to zero when I finish a listening session, just to play it safe.
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