Can't we play nice, share OPINIONS and OBSERVATIONS, realizing that they often are subjective and biased.
Speakers only
If the opinions were based on observable true facts, I;'d not take issues with many of the comments about speakers here.
There is objectivity in speakers performance.
The Reference is the new high tech wide bands.
Others here just refuse out of stubborness and resistance to my unbiased, objective testings and validations in real time.
There is sucha thing as objective true speaker reference point.
Yet others want to argue the isue w/o even attempting to undersatnd my case.
Why is this??
Just accpt there is something outside your experience. Even if you don't agree, just accept my findings might possible be true.
This would mean you've been living ina lie.
No reason to argue,
Just present facts and ideas that confront and challenge my beliefs.
This is where folks feel offended, when they can't mount a argument that will stand up to my proof of the pudding.
Sorry all speakers can not be equal.
There is no such thing as personal preference.
Some speakers have serious flaws and should be pointed out as flawed,
Wilson, vandersteen, Thiel, all flawed.
Sonus faber, flawed,
Flawed = handicaped.
= Not high fidelity.
= Not worth the purchase.