Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps

Question newbie on tube amps, why are tube amps according to people who own them say the sound is more say romantic sound vs SS amp ? 

What is better to own cost wise sound advantage single ended and push pull ?

Thanks guys excuse my inexperience on the tube issue.


What is everyone's take on hybrid integrated amps? I traded in an older  McIntosh solid state integrated amp for a McIntosh hybrid.  The dealer explained that tubes were better for the preamp stage and solid state as for the power output, like getting the benefits of both.  My system sound great.  Even tube-heavy Prima Luna now offers a hybrid integrated amp.

@aseaman007    For many the objective is to reproduce accurately the original performance.  The original performance many have been 'romantic'.  If you are listening to single-ended, there will be distortion.  Some people like it but they may not be interested in reproducing the original sound.  Buy what moves you.

Distortion and visual effect.

for me the closer I get to the source material the better. Low distortion = clarity.

Tube amps like Class A are preceived 'warm' because they heat the room so nicely!