Why does a Sony PlayStation sound good to me?

Okay I bought a couple of the Sony play stations with the rca audio outputs and hooked one up.First impression was not very good. Not detailed like my other CD players but left it on for a couple of days and am really enjoying the sound. It does sound more like an lp to me. I know the highs and lows are rolled off some and the build quality is poor but I like the sound. I now want a better quality more reliable CD player that sounds more like this. Especially for my CDs that are not recorded or transferred to digital as well. I'm happy to use this as an additional CD player but was thinking maybe Rega has a sound similar from some of the threads I have read. Sometimes I think welcome the soul of the music with too much precise details. Any suggestions on a different CD player?
there's a lot of hoopla on the web and on stereophile about the original ps1 being an exceptional cdp, and i tell ya, there's something to it. like dylanfan says, it's not especially detailed or etched, but it has a really engaging vinyl-like sound. also like dylanfan says, it's cheaply built and has awkward interface, but it really does sound good. closest sonic counterpart, to my memory, would be some of the older (early 90s) jvc players like 1010 which are really underrecognized.
I like body in the sound that niehter PS1 or most of Rega CD players have. They both use boombox-like CD drive.
Alesis Masterlink CD-player-recorder will humiliate most of Regas and PS1 boxes and could be found cheap on web in $1...200 used.
The main advantages is strong presence, body and precision of sound. Capable of reading 24-bit CDs and HDCDs. Analogue-like sound is achieved with high resolution digital files. It also has IDE 40gb hard-disk.
Off the hard-disk the playback is superior to CD.
I've used it but had to sell long time ago.
Marantz players tend to run on the warmer/less-detailed side of the spectrum. I also think the cheaper Cambridge and NAD players exhibit the same qualities. I think audiophile too often look for very detailed players, but end up not liking them.
I have a Marantz 6005 but not that crazy about it. I might hook up an old NAD I have and try it. Good idea.