"So how much more do you have to go up from a low cost CD player to get a CD player that sounds good?"
No idea. I go by sound quality, not price. Going by your description of what type of sound you are looking for, you may like: Rotel 1072, Arcam 33, Wadia 830, Meridian 508.24, AMC CD-6.
I've owned all of those at one time or another and still have the Arcam. Depending on what your budget is, I can list more.
No idea. I go by sound quality, not price. Going by your description of what type of sound you are looking for, you may like: Rotel 1072, Arcam 33, Wadia 830, Meridian 508.24, AMC CD-6.
I've owned all of those at one time or another and still have the Arcam. Depending on what your budget is, I can list more.