Why does Cary Audio keep discontinuing good amps?

Is this to keep us buying from them? Why not upgrade good designs?
Which amps? Solid state amps or valve amps?

The valve amps seem to be upgraded regularly - CAD-211C became 211AE and now 211FE. Same with the CAD-805C.

The solid state amps might be EOL'ed thanks to the end of a transistor run. Transistor manufacturers tend to make batches of these - if demand remains high, they will make more batches. But if a transistor does not sell well - once the batch sells out, that's it. You can't get any more. Cary might have run out of stock of a particular transistor, forcing a redesign and thus a new model.
I don't think they just kill off amps on a regular basis. The v-12 went through three iterations: v-12; v-12.I and v-12R. If I'm not mistaken, the v-12 in its various forms was in production for over ten years. I believe the CAD120 is doing the same thing with the newer II model. Both great amps, btw.
Dennis since 2009 isn't the big cheese anymore, he's retired. Maybe the new big cheese doesn't know what he wants. BTW I still have 2 stereo V12R's I pull out periodically for a change of pace. Still sound good.
It's not just Cary,as suggested by others.What we lose sight of as audio enthusiasts is that audio companies are a business whose primary goal is to make money,if not for themselves than the shareholder.
In order to achieve this goal,like the car industry,they have to continually evolve their products.And yes unfortunately some top tier gear becomes obsolete.It's cocktail hour what do I know.
I bought that V12 R only a few months ago and absolutely LOVE it. I agree, it has to be a good design...