Why does the aurender N100h sound so bright and edgy

Have ps audio direct  stream dac hooked to the aurender n100h , replacing my Mac mini ,the sound was bright and edgy with poor bottom end  , playing through my Franco serblin ktemas , and WYETECH Ruby momoblooks  must be a defective unit
I just brought home a demo unit of the N100H for audition and I had to send it back.

I don’t find it to sound bright or edgy. Quite the opposite, actually.

What I found wanting in the N100H is the stability of its internal computer environment. At times, it sounds glorious and at times, it sounds incoherent with intolerable distortion, which could have come across to you as bright, edgy with a poor bottom end.

What the N100H needs is a beefier power supply and a more consistent, stable platform. Sometimes rebooting brings back all the glory but at times, that did not make the problem go away at all.

Hope this helps. 
I had a Aurender N100H connected to a Wyred4Sound dac2se dsd dac.  I  much preferred the sound of my Sony all in one HAPZ1ES Music Player.  I honestly do not see what all the fuss is about with the Aurender.