I've been thinking a lot about what Macrojack said. I don't know about the rest of you but going to a hi-fi shop, as an enthusiastic consumer, has almost always been a BIG disappointment to me. Picture this: you're excitement built, you walk in to you're local shop, you look around for a couple of minutes and a crusty old salesman strolls over to say "hello, how can I (or we) help you today?" I don't know about the rest of you but I always find myself WANTING TO SAY something like: "Well, for starters, you could take a shower...and maybe shave...or just wear some clothes that are less than 10 - 15 years old." But what I DO SAY is something like: "Oh, hello, my name's Bruce, I've been having a problem with this (insert equipment piece here) piece of gear and wanted to stop in to check out a (insert well-researched equipment piece here.) "Well, 1st of all (in a condescending tone, the salesman replies,) you don't want a (insert well-researched equipment piece here), you want this (insert non-researched equipment piece here.) "Okay, why not?" I reply. The salesperson replies, "Here, have a seat (on this dirty ol' sofa or chair,) let me go find a (particular & likely unfamiliar - to me at least) cd." So, for 2 - 3 minutes I'm stuck there waiting for them to return with some music I (most likely) care nothing for, while I could be exploring the gear in that room. They come back muttering something to themselves like "where on earth did that damn disc go?" "Okay, listen to this..." the salesman demands. Hmm, smooth jazz, GREAT, my favorite (not.) The salesman disappears again for 5 minutes and comes back to ask "so...?" "Well, to be honest (cause it's the best policy ;), it sounds like there's a speaker wired out of phase." "No, the salesman replies, I checked 'em (the speakers' phase) MYSELF, last week." "Okay, thanks for the demo, but I've got to get going." "Alright, says the salesman, 'here's my card, let me know if I can help you." Where do you think THAT card is going? Arghh!...very frustrating, but VERY TYPICAL! With sales people as enthusiastic and knowledgeable as him - it's no wonder more people don't care about (and aren't willing to make any space and time for) audio! A passion for the high end audio hobby is just like any other hobby; it's the net result of "seeds" correctly planted & properly maintained in the minds of newcomers by fellow passionate hobbyists. Imao audio is less like a disease (or "infection") & more like a religion. Thus, it's the responsibility of the "church (of hi-fi") to convert & help newcomers establish a meaningful relationship with the hi-fi gods. If we don't do it - who will?
-The Reverend Bruce30
Ps. Show me a kid who enjoys his (or her) parent's hobby & I'll show you 100 more who don't.