Why has Virtual Systems Activity disappeared from the forum section?

I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up yet... what am I missing?


Yeah, but I get what the OP is referring to-- unless nobody has made a change or addition that triggers a post in the "Browse/Recent" there have been no "virtual systems" in that feed for more than a week. It captured only new or updated entries of some limited time span, and was bumped as other stuff got added or changed in Virtual Systems. I've been too lazy to reach out to Tammy and bring it to her attention, assuming she isn't already aware of it. Seemed to happen shortly after all the spam and around the time of the intro of the new text editor. 

I noticed it right away, and let Tammy know about it right away, she said she would let the tech team know about it, and they would try to get around to it the following week.

That never happened, but there's been so much crap going on lately, it's no surprise there.


Yes, I too contacted Tammy.  She said that it was a glitch in the system they were aware of and were working on.  But this was before the major website upgrade.  The problem remains.