Why I prefer gear that is made domestically

I find you have a better chance of getting parts and service if you buy a domestic product. Sure some domestic companies go out of business but nothing is full proof. If I need a part for my VPI turntable or ARC electronics I can usually get them within a week. When I had Dynaudio speakers I blew out a driver and had to wait 3 months to get one from Denmark. Since I didn't have another speaker at the time it made it inconvenient for me. No knock on Dynaudio. I really like their speakers. But if I had domestically made speaker I most likely could of got a part within a couple of weeks. 
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I do prefer Made in USA for most things that I buy in general. It’s tough to buy USA made gear without shelling out some big bucks as only the high end is still made here for the most part. Even Krell, Wadia, and Cary are making gear in China.

My amps and preamp are made here and they’ve fortunately not needed any repair but support from both companies has been great. One component that has surpassed my expectations is the OPPO 103d universal player that I just picked up.....it’s awesome, and supposedly their support is great. Made in China but nothing comes close unless you spend a lot more.

I’ve also had terrible service from companies here in the states. I do agree with Don c55 about factory service, they’re the only guys I want fixing my equipment even if it is a pain in the a-- to ship it to them.
This is the same reason for me why most of my equipment is either, US or Canadian built, with the exception sometimes for speakers. Seems like around $3k - 4k is the breaking point that many of the "high end" speaker manufactures quit manufacturing in Asian countries. Many of the under $3k speakers by B&W, Revel, Paradigm, KEF etc. are outsourced but are still excellent quality, and I’ve owned quite a few. Wharfedale for example has one of the largest manufacturing facilities in the world, in China. They make their own drivers, wire, crossovers, cabinets, grills, everything, they just do it in China to save labor and maybe have some other advantages that I don’t know about, I’m not an economics expert. I just recently sold a pair of JBL 4312E’s that were made in Mexico and they were nothing compared to the older, US manufactured ones.