Why is it that when I look up the seller info...

for some sellers I get a start date of 1969 (may have seen other "wrong" dates as well)?
I've seen this before, too. I'll guess it's related to the computer programming language or operating system this site runs on.

The UNIX birthdate is 01/01/1970, and for many an OS and/or programming language, the concept of time starts there. Put in some sort of (i.e. date - 1) algorithm, and there's your 12/31/1969.
So many glitches to work out yet with this new(er) Gon. I just noticed that if I am reading posts and then try to go to stuff for sale (Buy) it goes into error. I have to start over at the home page.
Krell man, I ain't lyin, I swear. I've seen it on more than one occasion and very recently at that. Ya gotta believe me.
It appears to be intermittant.
Bander, Krell_man, it's on the feedback page, not the user information page. From the user information page, click on feedback and look in the top left hand corner.