Anyone here compared the Prima Luna to Cary? I understand that Cary is made in the USA and appears well made...
I am auditioning a PL EVO 400 at the moment and it sounds impressive in some ways, however, it lacks the detail that my ARC separates provide... It also costs about 1/4 as much.
The PL has an ability to bring the bottom end out of old recordings... some mild bass coloration, yet pleasant to my ears on old rock recordings in particular. I also have notice that I have been using it for about 10 hrs total time and it has been improving continuously for that period. There are also tube rolling options that are attractive to a hobbyist gear head like me... we will see.
I'd love to know anyones experience with Cary products?
They have my curiosity at the moment too... Yes they have to be biased and don't offer quite the tube rolling flex that the PL's do. Also I don't know of a way to audition them locally.
Currently driving Sonus Faber Olympica II's (4ohm) with the Evo 400 integrated and yes the soundstage is further back than my ARC gear.
I am hoping to find an integrated if possible to reduce footprint usage without giving up SQ.
I have owned numerous ARC products, Tube and SS, in fact still do. ARC has the musical resolution that I like, at a price... Yes the tubes warm the room... Ok in the winter, not so much in the summer...
I have also owned Musical Fidelity gear and found it to be very musical for SS gear, made in Taiwan... NuVista aerospace mini tubes in some of their gear.
I am auditioning a PL EVO 400 at the moment and it sounds impressive in some ways, however, it lacks the detail that my ARC separates provide... It also costs about 1/4 as much.
The PL has an ability to bring the bottom end out of old recordings... some mild bass coloration, yet pleasant to my ears on old rock recordings in particular. I also have notice that I have been using it for about 10 hrs total time and it has been improving continuously for that period. There are also tube rolling options that are attractive to a hobbyist gear head like me... we will see.
I'd love to know anyones experience with Cary products?
They have my curiosity at the moment too... Yes they have to be biased and don't offer quite the tube rolling flex that the PL's do. Also I don't know of a way to audition them locally.
Currently driving Sonus Faber Olympica II's (4ohm) with the Evo 400 integrated and yes the soundstage is further back than my ARC gear.
I am hoping to find an integrated if possible to reduce footprint usage without giving up SQ.
I have owned numerous ARC products, Tube and SS, in fact still do. ARC has the musical resolution that I like, at a price... Yes the tubes warm the room... Ok in the winter, not so much in the summer...
I have also owned Musical Fidelity gear and found it to be very musical for SS gear, made in Taiwan... NuVista aerospace mini tubes in some of their gear.