It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?


@barts I don't see your point. There could be many reasons other than envy for his comment. It could be the opposite, he was very happy with his Camry and didn't need a Ferrari to feel good about himself. You asked him. Or maybe he just tried to sound witty. Your assumptions say more about you than him. 

@dekay reading the reply is exactly why I made the post and how people make legitimate post personal or they turn it into it being about selling smthg etc. I left audiogon a few years ago because of this reason.  I’m posting about it because I wonder.  Take care. 

@everyone the journey is different for all of us.  Some of us in the high end.  Some of us arriving at a system and being completely pleased with whatever equipment you can afford. Enjoy what you have and get back into the music. 

@calvinj although I agree with you, given the negative reactions to your innocuous post, as a dealer and therefore someone who can be characterized as biased and/or self-interested (probably unfairly), it is best to refrain from making a similar post in the future here. Envy/spite is rampant across the internet as other have mentioned, and even when a social commentary post like yours is not directed at an individual, anyone who has ever posted out of envy/spite is going to unconsciously pick a fight with you - on some level no one likes to be reminded (even indirectly) that he is not a baller. As for envy/spite, the ballers laugh their asses off at the haters not just on hifi but houses cars chicks jets yachts art etc. Either you're a baller or you're not, better to live with the fact than roil/baste in self-loathing.

@kairosman i agree with you as well. I have seen the negativity rise again and again. I left audiogon a few years ago because of the the rudeness. The nastiness that has nothing to do with the question I asked.  It becomes personal real quick. No worries I will not be posting in this subject again.  But reading some of the responses.  Learned a lot about different audiophiles.  Their thought processes. Which ones that I care to have discourse with. Which ones I don’t.   People that don’t know you and your journey and how they will make assumptions about you and why you post.  The crazy part is most of us are are 40,50,60,70 years old and don’t understand how to interact with grown men and women who are in our hobby.   Learned a whole lot.  There are those who I enjoy talking to.  Then there are those who take it personal.   If you reading this and you got a problem with what I post. Do what I do. Keep scrolling.  Be happy!