Why no “Break in” period?

If people say there’s a break in period for everything from Amps to cartridges to cables to basically everything... why is it with new power conditioners that people say they immediately notice “the floor drop away” etc.  Why no break in on that?

I’m not trying to be snarky - I’m genuinely asking.
" And I pointed out I hadn't come to a firm conclusion on the matter myself"

You are not being completely honest with yourself here prof. You're a measurements guy who will not be swayed by any "conversation" I can possibly have with you on this subject. Maybe someone else can, but it will not be me. 

I'm hopeful that someday science will catch up to our hobby & be able to accurately measure all the improvements we hear.    
News Flash! Or should I say flashback? 😳 The most important things are impossible to measure. Soundstage, sweetness, transparency and musicality. 😬

No, I'm honestly representing what I argue for and believe.  Insofar as you would include me in your previous complaint:
boxer: They are the victims here. Just trying to teach us that we can't possibly be hearing what we are hearing. 

You are making a strawman.
I have been explicit in pointing out I'm NOT claiming: "you aren't hearing what you claim!"
I'm pointing out instead "You MAY be hearing what you claim, but the method you are using to come to your conclusion or argue for it isn't as reliable as you seem to assume."
C'mon, we can do nuance around here can't we, to understand another person's point of view rather than dismiss it with strawmen versions?


That a high end audio designer gave up providing objective or reliable methods for vetting his designs hardly supports your case.  The Curl quote is just appealing to the same subjectivity as you are; it's assertion, not justification.

Pin it to the top of every thread where someone is trying to invalidate actual human experience just because it is beyond the measure of their silly primitive instruments.

Sure, if you just go about ignoring everything we know about sighted bias.

And it's hilarious to see you call measurement instruments "silly" and "primitive."  Did you stop for a second to consider why the instruments were developed in the first place?  Yeah...to measure things not only that our sense can detect, but that our senses can NOT detect - to go BEYOND the capabilities of our senses.   You do know that distortion profiles and various objective electrical phenomena can be measured that you with your Super Duper Golden Ears can't possibly hear, right?

Or...maybe you don't know this?

It's hard to tell, frankly.   I've actually had more coherent conversations with flat-earthers, who at least try to offer objective evidence for their claims vs constant repetition of personal assertions.
Wow! What! Is there such a thing as an Appeal to Honesty? Or maybe Appeal to Having very Good Beliefs, but not Weird Beliefs? How about Appeal to I’m just a Good Guy who’s Trying to Help People Out? Or maybe this is just another case of nobody else understands.