Keep in mind the vast majority are like cats, they will chase whatever moves.
Keep in mind the vast majority are like cats, they will chase whatever moves.
Why No McIntosh Recommendations?
Keep in mind the vast majority are like cats, they will chase whatever moves. |
Fwiw - I bought a pair of MC601 monos and directly compared to my Krell 350MCX mono's to decide which ones I would keep. after A/B testing at length i heard a very very slightly sweeter sound from the Mac otw sonically no difference. I sold the Krells. I needed big power for the Maggie 20.7 which both have. The stereophile review of the MC501 was very good especially the measurements. With that said....and the 20.7 have been replaced with Gryphon Trident II. (which are still in crates awaiting a dedicated room build). I will then be auditioning other amps such as Gryphon, Dag, and CH. They will be compared directly to the Macs. I am skeptical that I will hear much difference much like the Krell test, but we will see. |
MC2600 owner here. Their tube gear is excellent. Not the last word in resolution but if you are seeking some tube warmth while preserving bass slam then a McIntosh tube preamp is hard to beat sonically. Goldilocks coloration when rolled with the right tubes of your taste. Are they expensive for what what they do? Yes! Do guests think you have a great stereo when they see ARC - no ( unless they are audiophiles themselves). Do guests drool over a McIntosh meters and blue & green lights? Yes! Mcintosh are kind of the Harley Davidson or Rolex of Audio. Not technically superior machines to everything else but highly desirable - well made with great looks and great McIntosh vintage sound! Folks will crowd round and look at McIntosh gear just as they do a nice Harley. Eye Candy? Overpriced? Absolutely. Good quality machines? Yes, they are! |