Why No McIntosh Recommendations?

As I read, and continually read through posts, nobody really talks to McIntosh Products, or recommends McIntosh Products.  Why?  I can understand why they are not getting their just due.  I think their sound stage is incredible and the tube products offer incredible warmth.  I own the 2600 PreAmp, 2152 Amp, and MT5 Turntable.  I love what they do for my Sonos Faber Serafino’s.  I’m a big fan.  Why don’t y’all talk to them more.  Now I know we all have our bias.  And I know that they may be out of many price ranges, but they are wonderful products, in my ears.  

BTW - Currently Listening to Hugh Maskela’s Hope on a Quality Pressings Release!  Sounds superb!  Excellent recording whether you are listening to a CD or a high quality a 180 Release from the original master tapes.
I have a McIntosh C2500 tube preamp and MC452 solid state power amp, driving a pair of Focal Sopra No2's.  In my search for a new pair of speakers, I found the MC452 was the best match for the Sopra's, brought out the best soundstage, smooth but defined high end, and really well defined midrange.  All the more "modern" amps I've heard driving the Sopra's made them sound "thin" and "lifeless".

My system has all "digital" sources.  I've found that, of all things which are improving the most lately, it's the DAC technology, so I don't use the DAC built into my preamp.  Instead I have a PS Audio DirectStream DAC and transport and their P15 Power Plant, to deliver clean AC power to all my components.

I have a number of audio buddies who poo-poo McIntosh.  Hey, if you like something else, go for it!

When I attended an information session at the Capital Audiofest, one of the presenters said he thought that most of the audio brands of today would go out of business 10 years later.  I suspect that McIntosh will not be in that group.
Mcintosh is very expensive.  I've been buying Mcintosh since the late 60s and they're second to none.    Current rig of Mc 2301s Mono Blocks and C1100 preamp and D1100 Dac is unbelievable.   Tube magic.  But it's out of the price range for 99 percent of people.  
Keep in mind the vast majority are like cats, they will chase whatever moves. 
Fwiw - I bought a pair of MC601 monos and directly compared to my Krell 350MCX mono's to decide which ones I would keep. after A/B testing at length i heard a very very slightly sweeter sound from the Mac otw sonically no difference. I sold the Krells. I needed big power for the Maggie 20.7 which both have.

The stereophile review of the MC501 was very good especially the measurements.

With that said....and the 20.7 have been replaced with Gryphon Trident II. (which are still in crates awaiting a dedicated room build).  I will then be auditioning other amps such as Gryphon, Dag, and CH. They will be compared directly to the Macs. I am skeptical that I will hear much difference much like the Krell test, but we will see. 
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