Why not PS Audio's Lab cables?

I have perused the "cable" forum, and I tried to do some research on PS Audio's power cables. I have never auditioned any power cables yet, but they seem to be great on paper, being they use higher gauge and more shielding than any of their competitors, and their price is much more modest. However, I don't see too many people in this forum using these cables. Why not?

Showing 7 responses by yohjixme

Dekay, Ask who about what? Ask PS to make me a cable and then they will make me into a PS cable user? I am sure I will be a PS cable user if they make me one for free. Or do you mean, ask forum members then they will make me into a non-PS cable user, as they are?
So PS is not desireable for digital front ends.. any other power cords around 200 is good for digital? I read somewhere else in post claiming that mapleshade cord is bad for digital too...
Bob, YUP that's what I am seeking!

Being a cheap skate, suppose I only have one aftermarket power cable, should I put it on the dac or the trans? Or is it a personal thing?