That is a nice fantasy world you live in @djones51 , BUT, we have payment companies cancelling people, we have ISP’s cancelling people.
Obviously there is a need for much stronger laws in this current technical environment to protect free speech. WHY? Because government has allowed private companies to take on responsibility for what would have traditionally been at some level "public utilities".
Banks, Credit Card companies, ISPs, etc. and other government regulated entities should not be allowed to refuse service unless the intended usage is illegal.
That has benefits to both the public with w.r.t. to protecting both not only the concept of free speech, but also for these entities as they stop being targets for malicious public abuse by the "mob".
We need to be concerned with more than just the present legal definition of free speech and start acting on the principle of free speech and what enables (or disables it).
These "private" entities such as Banks, ISPs, Credit Card companies rely on the good will of government and public to operate, whether it is access to virtual money to lend, public physical property on which to run their cables, even roads to transport goods.
Keep in mind, I am no way advocating socialism, simply that the Government needs to be for the people and needs to look out for the best interests of people more than they currently are.
We have enshrined protections preventing discrimination on the basis of religion, sex, gender, ....... but perhaps are missing the big picture, discrimination for what you think.